Tenant Engagement
Arbour Housing is committed to providing a quality service that has a high performance standard. Tenant involvement is an essential element for this to succeed.
Arbour Housing is therefore committed to the following principles:
- Providing information to tenants
- Consulting tenants on all matters concerning their tenancy, home and area in which they live
These principles are supported by our strategy to:
- Encourage and support the establishment of a Tenant Representatives in each of our schemes/areas of operation.
You can help by becoming involved in:
- Tenants’ Group
- Attending meetings
- Contributing towards tenants’ surveys
- Registering your interest in 1 or more areas of Tenant Involvement
Arbour Housing is committed to providing supports to tenant engagement activities in the form of:
- Financial
- Training
- Administrative
We are committed to ensuring that all tenants receive the best service possible and to achieve this we will provide a range of real opportunities for tenants to contribute to and influence decisions and the service delivery of Arbour Housing, placing tenants at the centre of our decision-making process and to build upon our existing good practices and level of tenant involvement.